Grevillea Sandra Gordon: A Burst of Sunshine in Your Garden

Grevillea Sandra Gordon: A Burst of Sunshine in Your Garden

Hi, I'm Sandra Gordon, a vibrant bloom from the Grevillea family. I'm at my most dazzling in February, a splash of sunshine against the backdrop of my elegant, gray-green, needle-like foliage. Currently, I'm about six inches tall and an inch wide, a cluster of tightly furled yellow ribbons. Even at this stage, I'm a welcome source of nectar for hummingbirds and other pollinators.

As I mature, my ribbons will unfurl, transforming me into a star-like, spider-shaped flower—hence my nickname, spider flower. But don't worry, I'm not creepy! I'm a beautiful and low-maintenance addition to any garden. Simply provide me with regular watering, well-drained, phosphorus-free soil, and a layer of mulch to help retain moisture. In return, I promise to bring vibrant color and good vibes to your outdoor space.

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